Sri Lanka - 2014

The ‘Teardrop of India’ as this beautiful island of Sri Lanka is frequently referred as, first populated in 543 BC was ruled by 181 Kings. Farming was the main economy during the early ages. Then referred as Ceylon declared independence in 1948, subsequently changing its name to Sri Lank in 1972.




June 5 - June 16, 2014




COVID Vaccine


Your Hosts

Prince and Suzana Mathiasz

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Prince and Suzana Mathiasz

Your Chaperone

Michael and Rebecca Ensey

Michael and Rebecca Ensey

Serve Project


I received a heart healing in Benin, Africa. There were some weights I was carrying and lies I was believing about myself, my future, and my ministry. As I watched the people of Benin, who enjoy fewer privileges than I do, worship with EVERYTHING they have, I experienced healing. Jesus reminded me that He has the final say. He is ordering my steps. He has the whole world in His hands. The people of Benin. And me.

Alaina Goodwin | Benin