Salt Lake City, Utah (Trip is full) - 2021
North AmericaDate
June 14 - June 21, 2021Cost
COVID Vaccine
Your Hosts
Ronald Rice

Your Chaperone
Jeremy & Kristin Stafford

Jeremy and Kristin Stafford – We have been involved in student ministry for 14 years, and youth pastored in Pensacola, FL from 2013 to 2020. In 2018, we were elected to serve as the Florida district youth president. Currently, we are serving as General Youth Secretary. Kristin and I are blessed with two incredible children – Caden and Claire. We are both passionate about youth ministry and in seeing students around the world fulfill their purpose in the kingdom of God!
Shane & Lana Swint

Shane and Lana Swint, we have been involved in youth ministry for the past 20 years, we are currently the Youth Pastors at Church Of Pentecost in San Angelo Tx.
We have been serving as the Texico Youth President for the last four years. My wife is also the music director at our church and we are also over children’s ministry.
We have four children, Kaylan,Tristen,Adalyn,and Aniston.
Cindy Sorrels

Cindy Sorrels joined the UPCI Youth Ministries team (formerly GYD) in January 2005 to serve as an administrative aide. Her favorite part of the job has always been working with the Apostolic Youth Corps program. She has watched this ministry grow from 4 trips in her first year, to 20 trips in 2020. She is inspired by the hundreds of mission-minded young people who apply each year to take part in a life-changing AYC trip! She attended Indiana Bible College and has a love for all things, “Music”. Her other passions include: family, Lucy (her fur baby), traveling to warm locations, and a good iced latte.
Serve Project
Details coming soon!
God changed my life on AYC. My eyes were opened to see God just as powerful in a different place. I learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable. I will never forget what god spoke to me and showed me on this trip. I made life long friends with amazing young people. I will never forget what happened on AYC Billings 2021.
Reagan Bowman | Billings, Montana