Rocky Mountain District (Trip is full)

Experience Frontier Missions in the Rocky Mountain District! Assist a new daughter work in a previously unchurched community. Minister at an old-fashioned camp meeting on a Native American reservation. You will encounter cultures and ministry opportunities unlike anything you will find in most of North America. Setting up teepees and eating authentic fry bread will be part of your cultural journey. You will also get to experience the beauty of Yellowstone National Park where you will see buffalo, elk, and if you are lucky, bears and many other wildlife. Enjoy a hike in the Bighorn Mountains with an amazing view. See and experience the frontier!


North America


July 8 - July 15, 2024




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COVID Vaccine

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Your Hosts

Ryan & Danielle Schoppe

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Ryan & Danielle Schoppe

Serve Project

Help set up tents, tepees, sound equipment, and prepare food for the Wyola Campmeeting!


I have met so many people through AYC and my personal network spans globally because of it. But its not just ANY people that I have met. Its the servants. The ones who give up so much to take the gospel to every nation, and the ones who skimped and saved to experience one week giving of themselves to others. Those who have gone for a few months, to those who live on the mission field. Those overseas and those on home soil. The ones who face down loneliness, discouragement, and isolation to do what God has called them to do. I’m proud to know the servants. I have learned so much about the servants heart in the years of going on AYC trips. Every trip gives me more insight on how I can serve, both in my church and my community. I wouldn’t trade the experiences I’ve had, the places and things I’ve seen, the lessons I’ve learned, and the people I’ve met for anything offered.

Keeleigh White | Billings, Montana