Philippines - 2022

The Philippines are ready for YOU! Get ready to experience authentic Pilipino culture and the beauty of the Islands. Starting in Davao, you will have the opportunity to serve alongside the Pilipino people by assisting in the launch of a new church. You do not want to miss the miraculous outpouring of the Holy Ghost as we minister together!




August 12 - August 22, 2022





COVID Vaccine


Your Hosts

Stephen & Angelica Merritt

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Stephen & Angelica Merritt

Your Chaperone

DJ & Natalie Hill

DJ & Natalie Hill

DJ and Natalie Hill love serving the next generation of Apostolic world changers! They have served in the Georgia District Youth Ministry for 5 years and at Atlanta West Pentecostal Church for 4 years. Before they started ministering together, DJ graduated from Urshan College, and Natalie graduated from Indiana Bible College. They are currently serving as the YM Director of Promotions. They live in St. Louis, MO with their first baby girl. They are excited to minister next to you on this Apostolic Youth Corps trip!

Ryan & Hannah Petersen

Ryan & Hannah Petersen

Ryan and Hannah Petersen have been married for 11 years and they are the proud parents of Cora, Zara, and Indy. Ryan and Hannah serve as the Indiana District Youth President and have served at Family Life Church in Bloomington, IN for the past 10 years.

Serve Project


AYC showed me the love of God in a brand new way this week. Whether it was a large church or a tiny one, whether it was on the street or in the park, I saw people loving people in the way Jesus would. Our team had such incredible opportunities to simply speak to people and pray for them. It was so simple ,and yet so beautiful to witness people respond to the love of the Father on this trip.

Bethany Durnford | Salt Lake City, Utah