Mauritius - 2019

Mauritius is paradise in the Indian Ocean. What God has done and is doing here is just amazing, and something you need to see for yourself. You can come enjoy paradise and be a part of ministry for Jesus. Our believers, especially the youth, are so excited about your visit. Almost everyone who visits Mauritius never wants to leave, so prepare your heart for a burden to be born in you for these people. Please make Mauritius your choice.




June 14 - June 24, 2019





COVID Vaccine

Your Hosts

Randall & Theresa Richardson

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Randall & Theresa Richardson

Your Chaperone

Jeremy & Kristin Stafford

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Jeremy & Kristin Stafford

Serve Project

We will help paint a church, and build a cement block property fence.


I received a heart healing in Benin, Africa. There were some weights I was carrying and lies I was believing about myself, my future, and my ministry. As I watched the people of Benin, who enjoy fewer privileges than I do, worship with EVERYTHING they have, I experienced healing. Jesus reminded me that He has the final say. He is ordering my steps. He has the whole world in His hands. The people of Benin. And me.

Alaina Goodwin | Benin