Japan - 2015

Japan is often called the “Land of the Rising Sun,” but it is, in reality, the “Land of the Setting Sun.” The powers of darkness are gathering their forces against the light of God, and against the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Millions need to be set free by the power of God. Come and experience the joy of helping to impact 128 million people of Japan through prayer evangelism, personal and street evangelism, literature distributions, small group ministries, as well as connecting with the youth of Okinawa for an island wide crusade. The need is great for workers who are willing to sacrifice leaving their country, relatives, and friends on an adventure of a lifetime – all that souls may be won for the King. Join with Missionaries David and Angela Doan, Edward and Naomi Hosmer, and our tremendous team of Associate In Missions workers in a life changing adventure into the southern tropical island of Okinawa, Japan.




July 17 - July 27, 2015




COVID Vaccine

Not Required

Your Hosts

David and Angela Doan

View website

David and Angela Doan

Your Chaperone

Greg and Lynette Wilhelm

Greg and Lynette Wilhelm

Kristen Keller

Kristen Keller

Donna Armstrong

Donna Armstrong

Serve Project


AYC changed my life. My desire to reach out and witness to hungry souls was both ignited and deepened on this trip. This was an incredible experience and something I will carry with me the rest of my life.

Elyssa Venturini | Austin, Texas