Germany - 2013

Fan the flames of the great revival that is sweeping through the German speaking nations! Germany is ripe for a harvest of souls! Team up with the host missionaries to evangelize, pray, lead, worship, sing, preach and make an eternal IMPACT! This trip will change your life forever!




June 21 - July 1, 2013




COVID Vaccine

Your Hosts

Bernhard and Shelly Suppan

Bernhard and Shelly Suppan

Larry Gregg

Ernest and Karin Scott

Mitch and Jutta Sayers

Your Chaperone

Matthew and Rebecca Johnson

Matthew and Rebecca Johnson

Brocc and Randi Chavis

Brocc and Randi Chavis

Serve Project


I have met so many people through AYC and my personal network spans globally because of it. But its not just ANY people that I have met. Its the servants. The ones who give up so much to take the gospel to every nation, and the ones who skimped and saved to experience one week giving of themselves to others. Those who have gone for a few months, to those who live on the mission field. Those overseas and those on home soil. The ones who face down loneliness, discouragement, and isolation to do what God has called them to do. I’m proud to know the servants. I have learned so much about the servants heart in the years of going on AYC trips. Every trip gives me more insight on how I can serve, both in my church and my community. I wouldn’t trade the experiences I’ve had, the places and things I’ve seen, the lessons I’ve learned, and the people I’ve met for anything offered.

Keeleigh White | Billings, Montana