Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - 2021
North AmericaDate
June 14 - June 21, 2021Cost
COVID Vaccine
Your Hosts
Ryan & Amy Crossley
Your Chaperone
Jerry Fitzner
Jerry Fitzner lives in the beautiful state of Wyoming. He currently serves as the Rocky Mountain District youth president and the assistant pastor of Abundant Life Church in Gillette, WY. Jerry has chaperoned on two previous AYC trips: Haiti 2018 and Belize 2019. He is excited to see the incredible things God will do during the AYC 2021 season!
Chad & Virginia Mirandy
Chad and Virginia Mirandy have served their local church in Uniontown Pennsylvania for 12 years as a combination of youth pastor and assistant pastor. They have served the PA District Youth Department for 10 years, 7 as section 3 representative and 3 as youth president.
They are actively involved in their local church growth plans through home bible studies, serving in various capacities during their weekly services and by assisting their Current youth pastor In the implementation of his vision for the churches youth group.
Serve Project
Food distribution in a community their daughter church is reaching, and outreach in downtown Hollywood, FL.
Before AYC I didn’t have super close, like-minded friends. Now after the trip is over, I can’t wait for the next opportunity to see all of these beautiful people again! I began the trip nearly crippled with anxiety and ended the trip with a stronger faith and a heart on fire, ready to light up change in my home town.
Rebekah Latham | Miami, Florida