Czech Republic - 2017

The Czech Republic, a nation of 10.5 million people currently only has one apostolic church. This European nation is on its way to the greatest revival in its history. Join Missionary Matthew Buckland and family and become involved on the ground level of launching revival in a nation! Help begin a vibrant national youth ministry while getting to visit castles, a WWII concentration camp, and see one of the most beautiful cities in the world! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of the Czech Republic’s greatest revival!




August 4 - August 14, 2017




COVID Vaccine

Not Required

Your Hosts

Matthew and Angie Buckland

View website

Matthew and Angie Buckland

Your Chaperone

Justin and Kimberly Reinking

Justin and Kimberly Reinking

Lj and Andrea Harry

Lj and Andrea Harry

Serve Project


AYC changed my life. My desire to reach out and witness to hungry souls was both ignited and deepened on this trip. This was an incredible experience and something I will carry with me the rest of my life.

Elyssa Venturini | Austin, Texas