Costa Rica - 2022
Central AmericaDate
June 3 - June 13, 2022Cost
Not RequiredCOVID Vaccine
Not RequiredYour Chaperone
Josh & Jennifer Smith
Josh and Jennifer Smith have served as Youth Presidents for South Central Texas District since 2018. They have 3 incredible children Axton (9), Bravery (2), and Charlotte (1). Their heartbeat as Pastor, Parent or Youth President is to point people to heaven.
Tamra Schultz
Tamra Schultz has worked as an Administrative Aide for the UPCI Youth Ministries since August of 2005. She enjoys assisting Bible Quiz teams, National Real McCoy students, and Move the Mission Scholarship applicants. She loves being a part of New Life St. Louis’s Student Ministries staff. Her favorite parts of ministry are working with students and young adults and community outreach opportunities.
Serve Project
AYC will have an opportunity to serve a local church. This will be a great opportunity to help out a local church that might not have the ability to improve its building on its own! You will have the opportunity to paint and clean the facility. This will be a day filled with lots of laughs and memories that will last a lifetime.
AYC changed my life. My desire to reach out and witness to hungry souls was both ignited and deepened on this trip. This was an incredible experience and something I will carry with me the rest of my life.
Elyssa Venturini | Austin, Texas
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