Costa Rica - 2018
Costa Rica is a beautiful, rain forested Central American country with coastlines on the Caribbean and Pacific. This unique country is known for its volcanoes, tropical beaches, and vibrant culture. The people of Costa Rica are hungry for the gospel and love to worship with enthusiasm! Though most of the Costa Rican churches are poor, their lives are rich through Jesus Christ! Join us to explore the beauty of Costa Rica and to be part of what God is doing in the Apostolic church.
Central AmericaDate
August 17 - August 27, 2018Cost
Not RequiredCOVID Vaccine
Not Required
Your Chaperone
Derek and Amanda Borders

Nathan and Emilie Hussey

Serve Project
I loved getting to know other Apostolics and feeling like a family. We spent so much time in intercessory prayer, we were truly of one mind and of one accord, and it really bonded us together like a family!
Kaitlyn Alexander | Detroit/Dearborn, Michigan